Become God to each other. Do not look for God somewhere, in the sky, but see God in every pair of eyes, in the mountain, waters, trees, and animals, HOW?
Only when you see God in your self. Only Gods can worship Gods. To recognize divinity, there are three dimensions:- “TIME”, ‘SPACE”, and “MIND”.
For a seeker, it is necessary to honor time and space. So, he or she can experience sacredness in his or her Mind. When you honor time, space, your mind become alert. But one who has transcended the mind, either sacredness has no meaning or all time, every place and every mood is sacred. Precious moments are few in life. Catch them and treasure them. Place, Time, Mood of Mind are factors, that influence celebration.
Snatch every opportunity to celebrate, and then you feel great and full. Then celebration infiltrates your mind in all moods and space and celebration is inevitable.
Celebration reminds you of the fullness of the moment. The moments you are in the company of knowledge, the master are the most precious moment in our life.
Treasure them. Treasuring them you transected the mind, time, and space.
And this is the true “POWER” of every person.